Week 2- Folk Fun!

To start I wanted to look at this quote from Macklin and Sharp "That is why the iterative game design process—involving conceptualizing, prototyping, testing, and evaluating—is so important." (Macklin and Sharp, Page 3) This was the part that stuck out to me the most. When modifying the folk games I realized that it was easier to prototype them and act them out as we go. fixing or patching the game as we go adding better or taking out things of need. Also writing down ideas and forming a journal to record ideas in case of returning thoughts or reflecting on the path that got us there.

Strong negative or positive emotions engendered by the game do not stop abruptly because the game has ended and the magic circle is dispelled. They persist through time and may even affect the general sense of self-worth the player has if the emotional reaction to the player’s engagement with the game was strong enough.”(Calleja, Gordon. Unboxed: Board Game Experience and Design, MIT Press, 2022 Page 20) This quite was rather interesting. To suppose that a game has a lasting impact on people for maybe the rest of their lives. I personally have felt this through my experiences in class and at home playing games. For instance in class battleship was better played with friends. That experience was rather joyful so I'd recommend it to others or would play again. This quote even suggests going as far as games having an impact on self-worth or self-esteem. I agree and it's crazy to think the value these games had. 

  “When I use “play” as a noun in this book, I am referring to play as a mode of experience.”(Calleja, Gordon. Unboxed : Board Game Experience and Design, MIT Press, 2022 Page 25) The interactions, emotions, and atmosphere contribute to more than just “playing ” a game. Looking back on the in-class activities I felt this. I also believe that personal emotions have a great deal in whether they want to play a  game again. Whether the first experience was not even close to the full game the actions of others or emotions of oneself play into liking a game.

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